Can't wait to figure this out and truly make this space my own! i'm ready to learn a few things!

Welcome to my page!

under a bit of construction, im still learning all of this.

behold! for I am a whole entire 22 years old and i have no clue how to code, let alone even use my damn laptop. this fact seems to always shock old ladies (at least the using a computer part) and i would find that more hilarious if the current state of technology and the internet werent so headache inducing. im just here to have fun and maybe connect with folks who have similar interests!

So I'm gonna try this neocities thing. Learn how to code (how to type in general) create a space that feels like the internet equivalent of my bedroom, posters and scattered notebooks galore. I just want to feel at peace with my life and experiences again and tumblr can only do so much for me now with all of the twitter-esque updates (ew).

Anywho whenever I figure all of this out i think this page is gonna be a pretty random blog if ill be honest, but i tend to focus more on writing my stories (hopefully novels someday!) and Kingdom Hearts brainrot.

I'm really excited to try out something new, and I hope that my innatentive ADHD addled brain will let me stick with it.